Carl Allen in New York City

Carl Allen | Creator

Legendary jazz drummer and passionate music educator Carl Allen discusses his creative approach to playing and teaching, and the tools he uses in the process.

Steve Gadd playing drums

Steve Gadd | Creator

Influential drummer Steve Gadd talks about his creative process during recording sessions and deepening his connection with his instrument while quarantined.

Ricardo Ramos playing a pearly white Fender Jaguar

Ricardo Ramos | Creator

Guitarist, producer and mix engineer Ricardo Ramos discusses his musical inspirations and influences, and shares his creative process.

Frank Bello playing live

Frank Bello | Creator

Anthrax bassist Frank Bello talks about his musical inspirations, creative workflow, and go-to gear for capturing his musical ideas.

Ross Lara capturing audio in a canyon

Ross Lara | Creator

Music producer and composer Ross Lara discussed how he embraces his love of the outdoors, capturing sounds of nature to use as the voices in his unique music compositions.

Eli with guitar

Eli Menezes | Creator

Multi-instrumentalist/producer Eli Menezes talks shop about his musical creativity and recording process, including his favorite gear and upcoming releases.

Jordan Rudess playing with keytar

Jordan Rudess | Creator

Dream Theater and Liquid Tension Experiment keyboardist Jordan Rudess discusses his creative approach to composing, recording, streaming and connecting with audiences.

Tina playing Cello

Tina Guo | Creator

Grammy-nominated cellist and recording artist Tina Guo discusses how she brings her unique voice on the cello to blockbuster films, video game soundtracks, metal bands and more.

Pepper singing live

Pepper Solana | Creator

International singer-songwriter Pepper Solana discusses the joys of collaboration, self-discovery and facing your fears in uncertain times.


Luisito Quintero | Creator

Grammy-winning percussionist Luisito Quintero discusses his musical beginnings, his approach to creativity and how music changed his life.

Josh Turner in his home studio.


With 500,000 subscribers and over 100 million video views, Josh Turner has built quite a musical presence - all on YouTube.